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Cell Therapy  treatments tailored to you

Under normal circumstances, we would prioritize treatment such as medication, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgery, etc. to cure or control diseases. However, when these treatments start to lose their functions, the disease will suddenly come back. Certain long term medication to control which may harm your overall body over time.

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Cell therapy has the potential to recover your health back to youthfulness

Diseases are caused by cell degeneration and loss in performance. Treatment at the root of diseases is to repair those cells until they are healthy and strong enough to justify their own function to return to normal.


Many diseases are chronic diseases that cannot be cured at once and may need to increase the dose of drugs throughout the patient's life. 

Live Cell Therapy is an alternative way for the treatment of disease caused by degeneration of cells.

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Senior Portrait

Soften & Prevent

You don’t have to have wrinkles to know you don’t want them in your future. While their main purpose is to improve or temporarily remove existing lines, Anti-Wrinkle Injectables can be used as a preventative measure to help soften the expression lines that form when your face moves and put the formation of future lines on pause.

Woman Sleeping

Look More Rested

With both age and repetitive muscle movement, lines settle into the face and are visible even at rest. It’s these static, 24/7 lines that can make your face look tired and fatigued. By softening those lines and wrinkles in the skin, your face looks fresher, more youthful, and relaxed.

Confident Woman

Shape & Symmetry

Anti-Wrinkle Injectables can do more than just reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles; they can also be used to lift certain parts of the face and balance asymmetrical features.


Our Cell Therapy price and package

We recommend a complimentary consultation with one of our Registered Nurses or Doctors to advise you on the appropriate product and pricing based on your tailored needs.

3 Phase Cell Therapy

Phase 1 - 13000 THB
Phase 2 - 26000 THB
Phase 3 - 18000 THB

If you'd like to book an appointment please don't hesitate to use the form below or connect with us through Facebook

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